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/ Homepage / Events / Wit, Luck and the Kiss of Forgetfulness: stories with Nell Phoenix

Wit, Luck and the Kiss of Forgetfulness: stories with Nell Phoenix

Wednesday 28th May 2014

Venue: CB2 Restaurant and Cafe
Category: Theatre
One Liner: storytelling
Price Info: £8/£6
Time Info: 8.00 pm

The flood waters rise, and a journey begins...
A story of love, luck and sharp objects told for adults, with the dark, the murky and the weird lurking in the heart of the story.
A new performance from the incomparable host of London’s Torriano Storynight Club, and a recent smash hit at the Girton May Ball.
“the chilli-chocolate of the storytelling world” Debs Newbold, Globe Teller

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