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/ Homepage / Events / "Mariage à Mendoza" movie projection and talk

"Mariage à Mendoza" movie projection and talk


Friday 7th March 2014

Venue: Alliance Française Cambridge
Category: Film
One Liner: film projection/talk
Price Info: £3 on the door
Time Info: 8pm

Join the Alliance Française Cambridge and the French Society at Wesley House for an exceptional projection of “Mariage à Mendoza”, a road-movie ” à la française ” by Edouard Deluc.

Marcus and his brother Antoine land in Argentina to celebrate their cousin’s wedding and to discover the pleasures of the capital, Buenos-Aires. Marcus is joyful, while Antoine, who has just been dumped, is completely down. Marcus attempts to cheer up his little brother.

The film (in French with English subtitles) will be followed by a chat with our teacher Claude.


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