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Touchy Feely

Thursday 20th March 2014

Venue: Cambridge Science Centre
Category: Art & Exhibitions
Price Info: free (pre-booking)
Time Info: 19.00 - 21.00

Do you know which body part has the most touch nerves? Or that your touch and temperature sensing nerves can get tired? Can you imagine a life where your sense of pain didn’t exist or where pain is constantly present? How would it change how you interact with people around you?

Get hands-on and discover the science behind how we feel and touch our way through the world.

Format for the night:

The event starts at 19:00 and will be in two halves - Firstly, you will have the chance to participate in hands-on activities exploring the senses, before an informal discussion with scientists, clinicians and individuals with reduced and altered senses. You will be able to chat about what you experienced and hear about current research.

Please be aware this event is for adults only (18+)


Other speakers TBC
The moderator for the evening will be Gaetan Lee, Cambridge Science Centre

This event has been supported by the Wellcome Trust

Error Reporting: Contact Gaetan Lee, the publisher of this event.