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/ Homepage / Events / MOVIE MASH-UP, 2 day film making workshop

MOVIE MASH-UP, 2 day film making workshop

Monday 17th February 2014

Venue: Kettle's Yard
Category: Film
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 10 am - 4 pm each da

Monday 17th Feb to Tuesday 18th Feb Kettle's Yard

Come and join our Circuit group for two days of frenzied filmmaking fun for 15-25 year olds.
Perfect for total beginners. Exciting and chilled. A chance to let loose and express yourself creatively.
DAY 1: experimenting and playing. Super-short film challenges, easy and fun to film, edit and watch.
DAY 2: producing a short film based on ideas touched upon in experiments.
You will leave having learned a bunch of film making skills, and with a short film to show your friends.
The workshops are led by Simon Panrucker, who makes films, for fun, a lot.
Produced by Circuit, Kettle's Yard and Wysing Art Centre Circuit Young Peoples Group.
The workshops are FREE – Places can be booked via email:
Booking is essential. Refreshments provided.

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