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/ Homepage / Events / Ted Coney: A Retrospective: Babylon Gallery

Ted Coney: A Retrospective: Babylon Gallery

Monday 17th March 2014

Venue: Babylon Gallery
Category: Art & Exhibitions
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 12 Noon to 4pm

Ted Coney will turn 70 next March and over the last 40 years he has recorded the joys and sorrows of a bittersweet journey through the lives of several generations of the Coney family.

This Spring the Babylon Gallery is delighted to present a retrospective of his work divided into four predominant themes: Birth and Death; Family Traditions; Women and Secrets.

From his first painting Life Cycle (1969) to If The Boats Come In, completed in 2013, this retrospective is a celebration of family relationships in all their joyful complexity; tender, compassionate and life-affirming.The thing about families is that they are endlessly fascinating

Artist's Talk : Sunday 13th April : 3pm £3 (tea & cake included). On The Edge, An Illustrated Lecture Given By Ted Coney. In the lecture, which lasts approximately one hour, Ted Coney uses slides of his work and short video clips to explain his ideas. His props include his 1931 Morris Minor, a box of very boring shells and the Phantom of the Opera.

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