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monomania - Tim Spooner

Saturday 8th March 2014

Venue: Aid & Abet
Category: Festivals
One Liner: one-day cross-arts
Price Info: £13 early bird/£15
Time Info: 12-12

Monomania is a one-day cross-arts festival of solitary and obsessive creativity, both productive and counter-productive from listening, performing, making and inventing to reclusiveness and self-obsessive and all-consuming fixations.

Solo artists across live art, live music, sound art and visual art explore how this is part of art, technology and everyday life.

Happening at AId & Abet artspace and the Junction as well the route between them. With live music from Richard Dawson, Sarah Angliss, Land Observations, C Joynes, Pete UM and Liam Wells with a special live sound performance by acclaimed sound artist Lee Patterson specially commissioned for Aid & Abet's final event at their warehouse space.
Live art performances include Tim Spooner 'The Telescope', John Boursnell, Jack James and more.

The festival also includes workshops and a screening of F. C. Judd 'Practical Electronica' presented with a Q & A by Ian Helliwell. Plus Mr Underwood Sonic Graffiti.

The day ends with Extended Play ... with Heatsick -- a multisensory multiroom installation with a 3-hour live performance, screenings and a play area taking over the foyer and J3 areas at the Junction.

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