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/ Homepage / Events / Food for a Greener Future Conference

Food for a Greener Future Conference

Saturday 8th February 2014

Venue: Emmanuel United Reformed Church
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: Inspirational talks
Price Info: £15/£10
Time Info: 9.30am - 5.30pm

Are you interested in local, sustainable food? Would you like to learn more about our food system and how to get involved in local food movements?

If so, then make a note in your 2014 calendars that CCF will be hosting a sustainable food conference on February 8! The aim of the conference is to raise awareness in the local community about the sustainability and ethics of food production and consumption on a global, national, and local scale…and then how to implement changes.

The conference is open for anyone to attend, and the cost is £15 (£10 concession).

Bookings are now open…and we are also looking for volunteers! If you’d like to help out on the day (for a free ticket and lunch)..

For more info go to

Error Reporting: Contact Stephanie Ferguson, the publisher of this event.