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/ Homepage / Events / ‘Local Food Roots’ film screening and bring ‘n’ share meal

‘Local Food Roots’ film screening and bring ‘n’ share meal

Tuesday 28th January 2014

Venue: Friends Meeting House
Category: Film
One Liner: Film, food & friends
Price Info: Free community event
Time Info: 7pm until 9pm

“Food really matters, how you eat, how you shop, crucially affects how the world is.” Sheila Dillon, The Food Programme, BBC Radio 4

“This inspiring documentary chronicles the emergence of an innovative local food movement from a handful of pioneers battling against the odds in the early 90s to the diverse UK-wide movement of today. From the first pioneering organic box schemes to feeding cities and local food culture, we explore the diversity, motivations, challenges and opportunities and what this might mean for our future.” More info can be found here…

An inspiring film bound to inspire an appetite… and what a great opportunity to sample our own Cambridge local food – so please bring along a plate of food to share after the film screening.

7pm until 9pm at the Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane. Anne Dowkra Room.

Bookings are very welcome, please email or call 01223 301842.

Error Reporting: Contact Stephanie Ferguson, the publisher of this event.