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/ Homepage / Events / Ciné-craft for children: Ernest & Célestine

Ciné-craft for children: Ernest & Célestine

Saturday 1st February 2014

Venue: Alliance Française Cambridge
Category: Children & Family
One Liner: Ciné-craft
Price Info: 7
Time Info: 14:00-16:00

In normal bear life, it is frowned upon to make friends with a mouse. But Ernest, a big bear, a clown and musician who lives on the fringes of bear society, nonetheless welcomes little Celestine into his home. She is an orphan and has fled the mouse world down below. These two solitary characters find support and comfort in each other, but in the process, fly in the face of convention, upsetting the established order.

The screening (in French with English subtitles) will be followed by craft (drawings, activities around Ernest and Célestine movie, creation and decoration of a mask and much more…) in French and a goûter with French pancakes!

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