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French courses for Children and Teenagers

Thursday 21st August 2014

Venue: Alliance Française Cambridge
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: French courses
Price Info: From £10

We run small classes for ages 4 to 16, as well as one-to-one tuitions, and workshops.

Our approach aims at creating a friendly environment where the children play and learn without realising that they are immersed in the French language.
We want children to feel comfortable and happy in a French-speaking environment, to respond naturally to our team of native French teachers, to play, sing, draw and paint just as they would at home.
In order to keep parents up to date and encourage closer collaboration, from time to time we will send out emails with progress and topics covered in class.
Structure and content of the workshops

Behind the relaxed and playful atmosphere, there is a carefully designed structure to the courses and workshops.Topics are presented step-by-step and new vocabulary is introduced while recurring themes and games reinforce the learning process. We also include role plays and songs for children.

The attraction of these classes very much reflects the commitment and enthusiasm of our team of teachers.
All our teachers are French native speakers, trained to interact in French, especially helping and encouraging the children to understand and express themselves in this new language.

We also run classes for bilingual.

For more information, see our website :

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