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/ Homepage / Events / 1 day Make a small copperfoiled sun-catcher or window

1 day Make a small copperfoiled sun-catcher or window

Saturday 8th February 2014

Venue: Parkside Community College
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: hands -on
Price Info: £32.00
Time Info: 10.00am-4.00pm

Make a small stained glass panel using copperfoiling technique, and learn basic glass cutting , how to follow a pattern for stained glass, how to copperfoil, and soldering, techniques, as well as a bit about making your own designs
.( Copperfoiling is a way of assembling differently coloured glass pieces used in the making tiffany lampshades )

By the end of the day, you will have made a colourful glass suncatcher or small stained glass window of roughly 15cm x 15cm . Tools and materials are provided, and there will be a materials cost of £8.50

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