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/ Homepage / Events / Termly 8 week stained glass beginners courses

Termly 8 week stained glass beginners courses

Monday 19th May 2014

Venue: Comberton Village College
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: hands-on
Price Info: £66.00
Time Info: 7-9pm

You will work with glass in this lovely and creative course, which is run for 8 weeks termly and the prices stated apply to one term only. You will select from an inspiring and wide choice of vibrant glass colours and then learn to make finished glass panels to take home. With the guidance of your tutor, you will start by choosing or creating your own design and glass. You will then learn how to cut and shape glass pieces, and attach them together, using copperfoil or leading and soldering techniques. Students will use coloured glass and will not be involved in painting it or firing. By the end of the course, you will have made a beautiful panel sized 30 x 30 cm

Copperfoiling is a way of assembling differently coloured glass pieces used in the making tiffany lampshades Leading is the technique used in making church stained glass windows, and the techniques have changed little since the middle ages.

If you are returning as an improver, you will be able to tackle more complicated designs and learn more complicated cutting as well as more advanced ways to use copperfoling.and leading technique.
Skills learnt will include basic glass cutting , how to follow a pattern for stained glass, copper foiling , leading and soldering techniques, as well as developing and making your own designs.
The tutor is willing to discuss any other ideas you have about what you want to make.
Tools and materials are provided but there will be a cost for materials of £ 25

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